วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Through the Manifesto of Rapa S.

As the god created the human into the world, most people believe that the very first two peoples in this planet are Adam and Eve. These two humans got a different hair color, different body shape, different tone of voice but it’s all still based on the features that we called it as “human”. We can’t change the fact that everyone is not exactly the same, it got black so it needs to have white. We just perceive thing in a different perspective, it is the balance of nature to make thing got 2 sides. Such as the theory or the rule, there need to be something or someone to break it, to let us see the other side of thing. One of the obvious divergences is in “art” and “architecture”. Some movement exist the other movement follow and it is no limitation. The development of art and architecture were created by the idea of contrast and the idea of identical that is why the movements are related from one to another.
On the other hand, the  time keep going from the historical period to the 2011, not only the architecture that got the new movement during the period of time but also the socialization of the world changed at the same time. The more modern society that based on democracy, everyone can use their entitlement together with the technology that can support the communication of people easier and act like one of human’s figure. Architecture become more famous and successful in the wildly scale. In contrast, the world became more dangerous at the same time, the open view that came from the different media and the freedom that made everyone can show their thought to the socialization easily, it was in the same time that a lot of the bad critics began to impede the new artist or the new architect. As the beginner, the architect needs to learn from the past before inventing the new thing, and as the technology helps the society to be wildly criticize, the bad critics began to attack the nw group of architect and call the as an imitative architecture. Not only the architect society but, I believe, it is in every kind of duty, this situation can destroy the goal of the dreamer and pull down their dream. This topic was just very annoying me. In my point of view, it has 2 definitions of imitative or copying; 1.The group of people who try to do the same thing 2.The group of people who try to do contrast.  And there are no right or wrong because even if they can do almost exactly the same but it’s still be the new art, it’s not all same. And for architecture, from the historical period to the very present one can distinctly clear that people learn, people against, people invent. It’s not imitative or copy, all process was to learn from the past and use it as the experience to create the new thing. One may think that all those unkindness critics is not effect much to their society but actually it is very significant. As the architectural movement created by black and white, the gap from white to black is the critic that leads the architect to be black or white. If the group of bad critic began to be bigger and bigger, the new movement of architecture would not happen anymore and the architecture will turn to be such a dead language that has no development or any changed. Therefore, all the critic should realize about the changed of the classical architecture to the present one through the period time of time with the process of copying until being the unique one, this is to let the new movement begin follow the right step as the historical did. It would be the reason why the architecture is not invented the new movement for a long time.

The important role of the contradiction from black to white or from one movement to another of architecture is the way that architect can represent their thought against the idea of other architect without right or wrong. As an architect the confidence is necessary, the ego and criticism come together. Thus the relationship between one movement to another movement are not gradually changed like the other subject. Architecture world open up every imagination and wildly open the door for people to see the two sides of architecture and that’s the reason why I take the place in architectural school.



From the last class the late Renaissance got David, there need to be another thing to let us see the other side of sculpture, and here there is a work of Bernini which is another David from his perspective. The more expressive and emotional of David was shown in this time. The new movement began, it was created to let others questioned that is Renaissance propose or style is clearly perfect? Baroque come to against the organized and simple architecture with the complex and ambiguous style. In my point of view, they are just try to let us see the more dynamic renaissance as we can recognize all the plan in Baroque style still got a big influence from Renaissance, but it’s just to break the rule to speak their own new language. 

The New movement have come into every period of time, as the relationship between Renaissance and Baroque it was just the same with the relationship between Modernism and Post modernism. In this point, it clarify that no matter what the period is architecture still need their master to learn and to discover the new thing from the past. 

Drove back to the God

Drove back to the time of Renaissance where the golden ratio of Le Corbusier really start, Renaissance period is the obviously example that show the development from the past and adapt it to suit with their time. And as the state above, it was the first movement in the historical time who invented the architectural with human proportion. It was derived from the time of Greek-Roman, the building were made and dedicated to gods, all the human proportion use only for the sacred space or the place to inform that human status is in an inferior to god. As it was the clear relationship between human and god, Renaissance start to pull some idea from the historical and created the “new” thing. The first architect that would be thought about is Donato Bramante and his St.Peter’s Basilica, this church shown the relationship from the past to Renaissance, it was dedicated to god even though it was the different god but it’s still base on the same idea. But at this point St.Peter basilica was given more attention to the sense of human proportion in relation to architecture. It was the first perfect dome in Renaissance with high decorative. As the principle of Renaissance which was the perfect proportion and symmetry, it was another famous Renaissance architecture who express Mannerist style into architecture. The used of human proportion start to extend into a domestic function, such as Laurentian library ad his greatest one, Campidoglio. It is the time
 that architecture start to draw the line in relation to their context, at this point, Campidogilo represents the Capitoline hill as the center of Rome.  Even if the site was an asymmetrical but it has been calculated to achieve symmetrical by using human proportion to create the new perspective to the site. I think, Michelangelo clearly combine the idea of realisticand perspective together. He was played with what people perceive and adapt it to his massive and high decorative style. It was also shown in his art work such as his greatest David sculpture and Sistine Chapel where the architecture and painting are merged as one.