วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554


In the wolrd of architecture, it would be very strange if someone put a lot of flower full up on the marble wall or some architect wear a barbie dress with colorful pattern. Most of the the architect try to make everything clear and abstract with reasonable that is why we are so different with the pure artist. We all learn in the process of architecture with the quote of "Less is more"
I am one of the student whose always heard this quote and actually, it's the sentence that I often heard in my project'critics and I was wondering how this quote happen and why everyone love to use it?
In my history class today, we've learn about destijl in neoplasticism with his grid and color. Beside, we haved learn about Mies Van Der Rohe whose created
"Less is more".

His work is clearly describe "less is more" start from his furniture, "Barcelona chair". It is the chair that looks quite un comfortable. It's look simple and all the curve and line shows up very clear. In my point of view, it would be a very first simple furniture design in that time, it's like he try to make everything really into mass production. The chair with only fuction  no decorative use only 2 materials.

Mies Van Der Rohe created many amazing and successful architecure not only the bauhaus but it's a lot. For example, The house in america with only 3 panels cover by glass. Another thing that is really inpired me from Mies would be his presentation. He made a collage to describe his idea. And it's look very interesting and clearly describe his thought. Actually, i've never seen someone did it before, it's very graphical. I think he is not just less is more but in his "Less", he has already thought a thousand times about his work in every unit of decoration. Most people call him "God of details" and it's really show in his work. His collage can show all the main structure and detail of the house. One of the clearly example is the pattern of the marble wall in Barcelona pavilian. Each marble with a very nice cut. It's like he try to cut it and when he put it together it become like a butterfly wing. And this wall become an attractive one in this pavillian.

In conclusion, I am very glas that I knew the one whoe created this quote and he is inspired me a lot just only I listen to his story from power point. I think his idea and style are very clear and some day I will try to be attractive and amart like him, he created my goal now :)

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Le Corbusier

After I was born, I saw my father sitting very still on his over size table with a very huge paper.
He always sit in that position with his smiling face.
He is an architect and he's my very first painting teacher.
He teach me a lot about art and persuade me to this architecture world.

The first architect he introduce me to is "Le Corbusier"
Honestly, I can say that I know nothing about him but he is the one that I always hear about.
As the time pass, I tried so hard to study about architecture to became one of the member in faculty of architecture. And I was gettine to know "him".

Finally, I became a student in this faculty as I want to be.
And here I am in the history class, feeling so excited.
In this class,we were drove back to the very early time of modernism and art and
"Le Corbusier".
He try to develop architecture in mass product.
Obviously, It shows in his style, his out fit; circle glasses, black and white suite.
The core of his thinking is
He said " Architecture is the masterly correct and magnificent play to masses brought together in light".

He try to conclude all of his idea to be shown in the next and next architect generation about "what the modern architecture is?". And it came up with the very simple 5 points that we use until now
1. The Support or pilotis
2. The flat roof or roof garden
3. The interior walls
4. The horizontal windows
5. The facade

                                                                               villa savoy

The very clear about the example of this idea is "Villla Savoy" in 1929-1931
Actually, I think we all know about this name and this architecture.
But how many peoples know about the idea of  this house.
1. Supports are spaced degulated and necessary to elevate the first floor of ground
2. The flat roof is meant to serve another domestic purpose, such as gardening or relaxation
3. Interior non load bearing walls are free for arrangement within open plan
4. Horizontal windows provide more even illumination than do verticle one
5. The non load bearing facade can be freely design.
In my point of view, even if it's all not true for all of his idea,
I feel very amazing with his thought and I think it effect a lot in that time.
He created the balance between the very historical time and the modernism. for example, he thought about the idea of human dimension in the very historical time and bring him to fit in his design. 
And also his work after that shown the development in the modernism world.
For example Unite d’ Habitation is another interested one.
I think i can see the relationship between his drawing and this building.
He brought us back to the very simple line and primary color.
But it's surve the function of the habitant and clearly shown the idea of mass,surface and light.
After that time to 2011, his work is still very famous and became the very big part of architectural student. I think that what he has tried to do is very succesful and  I hope that the 5 idea of his theory would bring me to do the architectural design as good as him in someday.

                                                                                                                                 Unite d’ Habitation