วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554




                Monday 21st, March , this is our marathon class. But I can say that it was a really interested class and we are all felt alert until the last minute of it. Because all the lecture is related to the last project and also can help us to express the new idea for the upcoming project as well.
                Start with Expressionism, we can see clearer about the development from the last class style, about the post-modernism, it’s a lot more different. They start to hide the structure which is the very opposite idea with modernism, no more transparency and no symmetrical. The first architect that I knew about this idea is one of the greatest architects, Frank Gahry. The very expressive form that he created is a lot and one of it is the “Fish” work. It was surprise me very much, 

the very new idea about pop art. Another example that is wildly knew is “Guggenheim Museum”. It was the work that I knew his name and follow his work after that day. It’s break the rule and can really express the idea of Expressionism. It’s attractive by the surface and skin of the metal that conceal all the complex structure inside. He decreased the volume of the big mass by the divided it to be many pieces but actually all the mass are still the same. The interested point is he still kept the traditional plan but try to express the form and use the new technology to achieve this. After this work he still expressing his idea to LA, but it’s more floating and we can see the relationship between the building and it’s context. The building surrounded by the high rise building that looks frozen after this gigantic metal are located. And we were moving to the most favorite building of Frank Garry. It is the big transparency building blended with the context. It’s not just the context but he can keep the front view and the back view of the context. It works by the transparency of façade that function in different way in the day and at the night; at noon this façade will reflect the context on to the surface and also can see through another side of the faced to see the background and at night the light inside will be lighter than exterior space, then the façade will allow outside people to see inside the building. It’s very functional and very beautiful.


   In my point of view, I can’t say that which one I like or which one I don’t like or I’d prefer this one than this one. Because I think from the first class to the present class, I can see the changing of architecture from the very beginning to the present and it’s just beautiful. I think, It’s about style and idea of that period of time but it’s all base on the sense of aesthetic and functionalism. For the last break of this morning class, we watched the film or the TV program about the very famous architects; Jean Nouve, Zaha hadi, Frank Gehry, Renzo Piano. From this film, I have listen to their idea and it’s very funny. Everyone is just a normal human but they can have a very successful in their life. And all of that still base on “tried” and “tired” of their life. And it gave me the inspiration to working on my project and my work, luckily for every architect, our work is can be created and finished for our part but the object or something that we created will last very long. 

